lunedì 28 ottobre 2013

Why don't you get a job?

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Last June, when MyFairEngineer and I decided it was time for me to join him here, I had to resign from my job and I was a little sad, as after seven years my colleagues were a kind of a family, and also a bit scared. I had no job offer waiting for me here, my CV wasn't up-to-date, not to mention written in English, and I hadn't had any job interview since I was hired at the publishing house I used to work for. So, I stopped working as a journalist in July to start my new job: getting one in the UK.

lunedì 21 ottobre 2013


When MyFairEngineer first came here last March, he had a job and that was all. No home, no GP, no NINo, no UK bank account, not a clue of what he was going to do. As he was asked to start the new job as soon as possible, he left Milan on a rainy Sunday afternoon with only one suitcase, in order to start working the very next day. Result: his first week was quite messy, living in an Air B&B, looking for a decent flatsharing, trying to get used to this brand new situation.

lunedì 14 ottobre 2013

What's new...

I haven't written for a long time, have I? Yeah, I know, it's been too much but the thing is that I was busy organizing... what? Well, I'll give you a hint.
È da parecchio che non scrivo più. Sì, sì, lo so, è da troppo, ma è che avevo cose molto importanti da fare. Volete un aiutino?